About us
Our insights
Renewable solutions
Projects and innovation
Our insights
Data centres: When to include them in electricity demand forecasts
Electricity connections
Apply for electricity supply
Connection types
Residential connection cost calculator
EnergyConnect application
Transmission network
Managing fire risk
Update host landholder contact details
Your electricity meter
In-home usage devices
Meter access
Smart meters
Meter data
Track a service connection
New connection
Addition or alteration
Be power prepared
Bushfire prevention video transcript
Electricity saving tips - video transcript
Our distribution network video transcript
Power prepared - video transcript
Power saving tips
Share your mobile number with your retailer - video transcript
What to do if the power goes out - video transcript
Information for electricity customers
Network information
Electricity network testing
Energy usage data
AusNet GridView Portal
Load shedding
Zone substation reports
Demand management
Non-network opportunities
Compensation and service standards
Tariffs and charges
Transmission network revenue
Setting charges
Electricity distribution price review
Electricity tariffs explained
Network tariffs
Gas connections
Gas connection cost calculator
How to get connected
Requesting a gas disconnection, reconnection or abolishment
Restrictions on new gas connections
Site readiness
Gas availability by street
Updates to gas connection charges
Pipeline information
Be gas ready
Are you gas ready Video transcript
Future ready gas network Video transcript
Gas safety is important Video transcript
Gas saving tips
Reduce your gas bill Video transcript
Register your mobile Video transcript
Service standards
Gas distribution charges
Gas tariffs and charges
Your gas meter
Turning your gas meter back on and relighting your appliances Video transcript
Gas safety and maintenance
Renewable solutions
Customer solar
Already have solar
Manual assessment costs
Thinking about solar
The steps for connecting
Your network tariff will change
Solar FAQs
Customer portal FAQs
Industry solar FAQs
Customer solar FAQs
Industry solar
Make and manage a solar application
Up to 30kW connections
30kW to 1.5MW connections
1.5MW to 5MW connections
5MW and above connections
Solar emergency backstop
Solar Emergency Backstop tips
Solar manufacturers
AusNet approved inverter list
Smart inverter settings
Solar retailers and installers
Steps for connecting, installing and commissioning
Connecting a community battery
Visit the Customer portal
Aerial inspections
Powerline and pole inspections
Transmission line inspections
Private electric lines
Securing your pets
Decorative streetlights
Faulty streetlights
Types of streetlights
Working near powerlines
Vegetation management
Guidelines for maintaining vegetation
Planting near powerlines
Who to contact for support
Who's responsible for clearing vegetation?
Life support customers
Our safety commitment
Prepare for an electrical outage
Bushfire plans Video transcript
Garage door Video transcript
Mapping vehicles and aerial inspection Video transcript
Power contingency Video transcript
Talk to your building manager Video transcript
Prepare for a gas outage
Unplanned outage preference management
Lodge your claim
Request insurance letter
Experiencing a power outage?
AusNet enforceable undertaking
Finding the information you need during an unplanned power outage
How we prioritise getting the power back on
Planned and unplanned outages, what do they mean?
Planned outages
Hume Dam pole replacement works
Received a restoration SMS from us but still no power?
Report a fault
Reconnect after a fault
Report a fault
Storm response
Tips for before, during and after an outage
Projects and innovation
Completed projects
REFCL lookup
Salt Creek Wind Farm - video transcript
Stockyard Hill Wind Farm - video transcript
Victorian big battery - video transcript
Current projects
Euroa region electricity supply
Anakie tower replacement
Community Microgrids and Sustainable Energy Program (CMSEP)
Emerald and Cockatoo generator connection points
Goorambat East Solar Farm
Koorangie Energy Storage System (KESS)
Murray to Dederang transmission tower upgrades
Rebuilding Sydenham Terminal Station
Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale Wind Farms
Upgrading Shepparton Terminal Station
Victoria Energy Terminal
Western Renewables Link
Golden Plains Wind Farm
Minor power-system augmentations
Heywood to Alcoa Portland tower replacement
Mortlake Turn-In project
Corryong Islandable Microgrid (CIM)
Data centres
Gippsland Renewable Energy Zone transmission project (G-REZ)
Major gas projects
Completed gas projects
Current gas projects
Ballan City Gate water heater
Buckley Grove Augmentation
Low Pressure Mains Program
Battery storage
Altona Terminal Station Battery Energy Storage System
Ballarat battery
BESS explainer - video transcript
Final Ballarat Battery Launch Video transcript
Latrobe Valley Battery Energy Storage System (LVBESS)
Mornington Battery Energy Storage System (MBESS)
Mortlake Battery Energy Storage System (MBESS)
Phillip Island Community Energy Storage System (PICESS)
Thomastown battery
Regulatory investment test
RIT process diagram text version
Prepare for electric vehicles
Enabling solar and battery future
Energy system transformation
Flexible Exports - Trial
Flexible Exports
About us
Historical shareholder information
ASX releases
Company results
Company reports
Company meetings
Dividends and distribution history
What we do
Who we are
Corporate governance
Executive team
Social impact
Our commitment to customers
Community energy
Community batteries
How we can help
Project: Yack01 community battery
Project: Yack02 community battery
Distribution substation data
Frequently asked questions
Renewable energy solutions
Grid-connected microgrids
Grid-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Off-grid microgrids
Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS)
The journey
Energy Resilience Community Fund
Energy Resilience Community Fund grant recipients
Strathbogie Benalla Community Group (SBCG)
Network regulation
Regulatory publications
Codes of practice and guidelines
Distribution ring-fencing compliance
Transmission ring-fencing compliance
Debt investors
Debt securities
$650K to build energy resilience and literacy in communities
105,000 Victorian homes to be powered by renewable energy
1.5GW of renewable energy to be unlocked
2024 AusNet Community Landcare Grant Recipients Announced
$30 million for upgrades to AusNet's gas network
$30,000 Grant to look at impact of energy transition on older Victorians
AusNet announces new operating model
AusNet awarded infrastructure strengthening contracts
AusNet awards $30K grant for research to improve energy-related communications to CALD communities
AusNet changes to improve electricity customer outcomes
AusNet commits $280,000 for student scholarships
AusNet commits to emission reduction targets
AusNet completes critical upgrades to BN11 feeder, boosting reliability for Euroa and surrounding areas
AusNet considers Network Outage Review Panel Interim Report
AusNet energy resilience grant applications open
AusNet extends Hardship Grants for communities impacted by February storms
AusNet helicopters take to the sky
AusNet helping Cardinia Shire become more energy resilient
AusNet helping to deliver a clean energy future
AusNet installs quick generator points in Emerald and Cockatoo
AusNet invests $10m to improve energy reliability in Euroa region
AusNet invests $2.4 million to build community energy resilience
AusNet invests $60 million to prepare the network for summer
AusNet launches $10 million Energy Resilience Community Fund
AusNet makes significant investments to the network
AusNet power outage statement - 12.45pm Thursday, Feb 15 2024
AusNet power outage statement – 1pm Friday, 16 February 2024
AusNet power outage statement - 7:15pm Friday, 16 February 2024
AusNet power outage statement - 8pm Thursday, 15 February 2024
AusNet power outage statement - 8pm Wednesday Feb 14 2024
AusNet proposes investment to upgrade the distribution network
AusNet provides $70,000 for new Sale Food Support van
AusNet Shines a Light on customers experiencing vulnerability
AusNet signs $4 million contract ready for upcoming fire season
AusNet supports storm-affected communities in Gippsland
AusNet to connect Australia's largest wind farm to the grid
AusNet trial to look at impact of electrification on vulnerable households
AusNet uses innovative data tools to better prepare for emergencies
AusNet's $500 million REFCL program completed
Be power prepared this summer
Be prepared for an early start to the fire season
Be prepared for possible power outages ahead of high fire danger and hot weather
Bolte Bridge operation protects critical power infrastructure
Changes to Newlyn community forum
Community Advisory Group established for G-REZ project
Continuing high winds impacting power network
Customers urged to prepare for more wild weather
David Smales appointed as new AusNet CEO
Energy Resilience Community Fund round 2 grants now open
Extensive bushfire mitigation works planned for East Gippsland
Financial hardship grants available for AusNet customers
Heli-stringing project connects 97 MW into the energy grid
Improving resilience and reliability through energy price review
Landholder compensation offers underway
Latrobe Valley Battery Energy Storage System construction starts
Longest sustained weather event impacting power network
Over half of customers restored, with more work underway
Phillip Island Neighbourhood Battery locations announced
PICESS battery ready to power up Phillip Island
Power restored to customers following catastrophic storm
Powerful Owls soon to enjoy more trees in Mount Evelyn
Prepare for possible power outages ahead of Statewide TFB
Prepare for possible power outages ahead of Total Fire Ban
Protecting Wodonga from bushfires
Seeking community members to shape electricity delivery to Victorian households and businesses
Severe weather expected to impact power network
Stand alone power systems making the network more resilient
Victorian Government restricts new gas connections from 2024
Western Victoria visit to speak with local communities
Widespread power outages due to wind
WRL project starts compensation discussions with landholders
Graduate program
Our commitment to Inclusion and Diversity
Rewards and benefits
Why AusNet
Environment and climate
Our customers and communities
Our people
Contact us
Complaints and feedback
Customer research and surveys
Make a payment
Terms of use