AusNet has several key projects and programs underway to upgrade the network across Victoria.
These initiatives will grow capacity, support growth across the regions and improve customer reliability.
In addition to these projects, AusNet has also spent $202 million on network maintenance and $68 million on vegetation management in the last 12 months.
- $18M - Whittlesea Shire and Mitchell Shire - a new zone substation will be built, providing extra network capacity for growth in Kilmore and Wallan. This means a more secure and reliable grid and will enable more customer connections in this area.
- $28.5M - Wodonga Terminal Station Transformer augmentation. This means a more secure and reliable grid and will enable more customer connections in this area.
- $16.5M - Benalla Zone Substation upgrade.
- $180K - Indigo Shire reliability upgrades.
- $8M - Mitchell Shire (over 2 years) – Upgrading insulated conductors in High Bushfire prone areas
- Multiple Shires (over 2 years) (excluding Indigo and Mitchell above)
- $7M - Bushfire mitigation protection system upgrades to enhance reliability and safety, including a fuse replacement program.
- $11M - High Voltage switch upgrades to improve power quality and better protection for the network.
- $6M - Security upgrades to protect critical assets.
- $21.5M - to upgrade the Clyde North Zone Substation, which will include new high voltage feeders, a power transformer and an upgraded switchboard. This project will create more capacity, enabling the connection of more customers and renewables into the network.
- $10M - to upgrade Thomastown Zone Substation, which includes replacement of 66kV assets and protection and control systems. This project will be completed in 2026.
- $25M - to replace 22kV assets at Bayswater Zone Substation.
- $24M over the next two years to augment Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (REFCL) systems in the Lilydale area.
- Multiple Shires (over 2 years)
- $10M - Bushfire mitigation: Protection system upgrades and fuse replacement programs to enhance reliability and maintain network safety.
- $19M - Reliability improvements: High Voltage Switch upgrades, as well as upgrades to plant and communications systems.
- $494K - Security upgrades to protect critical assets.
- $31M to replace the transformers and rebuild parts of the Warragul Zone Substation.
- $16M (over 3 years) Warragul feeder upgrades and a switchboard upgrade to create extra capacity.
- $19M - to upgrade Traralgon Zone Substation, which includes replacing two power transformers and changing the configuration to improve reliability. This project will be completed in 2026.
- $32M to replace 66kV assets, protection systems and capacitor bank at Maffra Zone Substation. This project is to be completed in 2025.
- $7M - Gippsland Communication Equipment Replacement Project.
- $20M - for the Bairnsdale Zone Substation and augmenting the Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (REFCL) system.
- Multiple Shires (over 2 years) (excluding Baw Baw/Latrobe)
- $40M - Bushfire Mitigation, Protection system upgrades to enhance reliability and maintain network safety, including a fuse replacements program.
- $17M - for reliability, ie High Voltage Switch upgrades, upgrades to plant and communication systems, and preventing wildlife interaction with network equipment.
- $1.5M - Security upgrades to protect critical assets.
- $5.5M - Baw Baw (over 2 years) for reliability improvements, such as upgrades to critical lines to improve network resilience in storm events.
- $7M - for Morwell to Traralgon 66kV line upgrades (over 3 years) to enable more renewable generation to connect in the region and as well as addressing demand and voltage compliance.