Who's responsible for clearing vegetation?

Responsibilities for keeping vegetation clear of powerlines and poles are shared between AusNet (us), landowners and local government.

Landowner obligations

If we find vegetation that needs to be cleared on your property, we’ll leave a notice in your letterbox or knock on your door to discuss.  

You are responsible for clearing vegetation (trees, branches and shrubs) that is growing on your property.

  • to keep your service cable clear. The service cable is the power cable that is connected to the front of your property
  • to keep any private overhead electric line (POEL) clear.
Never attempt to clear vegetation that has fallen onto a powerline.

Our obligations

We are responsible for clearing vegetation (trees, branches and shrubs) on: 

  • private property when we’re keeping our owned main powerlines clear 
  • private property to keep your neighbour's service cable clear, if that cable passes through vegetation that is on your property. The service cable is the power cable that is connected to the front of a property
  • on public land where local government is not responsible for maintaining the vegetation.

We do this in collaboration with our trusted delivery partners, ETS Infrastructure Management and Active Trees Services.  

We’ll give you at least 14 days’ notice before we start clearing vegetation, giving you an opportunity to discuss this work with us. However, if emergency pruning or clearing works are necessary, state legislation allows us to enter private property without notice to inspect powerlines and carry out work to ensure public safety.  

Local government (council or shire) obligations

Your local Council or Shire is responsible for clearing vegetation (trees, branches and shrubs) on public land in some areas. like nature strips, parks or along the roadside. However, in some Council areas, we are responsible for clearing vegetation on public land. We’ll also support the local Council or Shire when required.