Demand management

Our network experiences peak demand when electricity use is at its highest. For example, peaks often occur on hot days when air-conditioners are in use.

One way we manage demand is by upgrading the network. This helps to increase the overall capacity of our network. Upgrades also ensure a safe and reliable power supply during peak times.

We’re exploring different non-network options to help reduce demand during peak times. Some of these include demand management technologies that help us to manage the network efficiently.

The diagram below shows our cutting-edge demand management options:

Diagram of five demand management options, see text version for details.

1. Embedded generation

Embedded generators are large systems installed close to substations to meet excess load requirements. They help during times of peak demand. These systems are often gas engines with a maximum capacity of between 5 and 10 megawatts.

For more information, please read the Embedded generation case study (PDF, 803KB).

Please visit our page for Greater than 5MW connections of this type.

2. Mobile generation

A mobile generator can be connected anywhere in our network provided it’s safe for our customers and crews. They are a flexible resource to help to reduce stress caused by overloading network assets. Mobile generators may be deployed to minimise the impact on communities of extended outages due to asset damage. These systems are often diesel engines with capacity of approximately 1 to 2 megawatts.

3. Customer demand response

To help reduce the risk of overloading network assets before and during peak demand periods, we work closely with commercial and industrial customers to reduce or shift activities to outside of these periods.

We encourage you to reduce your energy usage during peak periods, for your benefit and ours.

Smart home appliances of the future will offer more options to manage peak demand.

For more information, please read our Commercial and industrial customer demand response case study (PDF, 309KB).

Demand Side Engagement Strategy

AusNet encourages customers and potential non-network service providers to consider non-network solutions as an alternative to traditional network investment. The Demand Side Engagement Strategy provides one of the principal mechanisms for developing opportunities for proactive engagement to develop a range of solutions that are cost-effective and will deliver practical outcomes.

Download our Demand Side Engagement Strategy (PDF, 644KB) to learn more.

4. Energy storage

Energy storage systems, like big batteries, help our network by storing electricity. The stored energy is used during times of peak demand.

For more information about energy storage, please read our case studies on the following topics:

5. Tariff strategies

For more information about these strategies, please visit our GoodGrid Critical Peak Demand page. Business customers, who use more than 160 MWh per year, can reduce their electricity bill limiting their electricity use on peak days with our GoodGrid CPD program.