
Learn how to lower your CPD charges and reduce your electricity bill

Four powerlines in a row in an open field

Our GoodGrid program aims to reduce electricity use when demand is high.

The highest electricity demand happens on hot summer weekday afternoons, usually between 3pm and 7pm (AEDT).

We select five high demand periods between 1 December and 31 March and ask participating businesses to reduce their electricity use. We call these CPD windows.

If your business is on a critical peak demand (CPD) tariff and you reduce your electricity use during the five CPD windows, we will lower your CPD charges.

The GoodGrid program supports the broader community’s energy needs when energy demand is high. It also means the network can manage brief periods of high demand and increased network costs associated with significant infrastructure upgrades.

Next confirmed CPD days

The 2024/2025 GoodGrid period has now finished. Visit the FAQs on this page for past CPD days.

How we calculate your CPD charge

We record your maximum electricity demand during each of the five CPD windows. We use the average of those five maximum demand recordings to calculate your CPD charge.

We only measure your demand within the CPD window, which is usually between 3pm and 7pm AEDT (or 2pm and 6pm on your meter).

Five graphs showing energy demand peaks on CPD days between 3pm and 7pm

We measure the maximum electricity demand of all our customers on CPD tariffs during the CPD windows.

The CPD charge is a component of the network costs you are charged on your unbundled power bill.

When you reduce your demand during the CPD windows, you lower your CPD component and save money on network charges.

Get the most out of GoodGrid for your business

There are a few ways that you can maximise the benefits for your business:

Respond early

Make sure you reduce your energy demand for the entire CPD window, so your maximum reading is lower. Respond early so your demand is lowered before the window starts and only returns to normal after the window ends.

Participate every year

GoodGrid is an annual program. We recalculate the CPD component of your network charges every year, based on the five CPD windows.

Reduce your energy demand in each CPD window from December to March and your CPD charge will show that reduction from 1 April to 31 March.

Stay informed

We announce CPD days by SMS, one business day before the start of each window. If we cancel a CPD day, we will send you another SMS to let you know.

To register for SMS notifications about CPD days, send your National Meter Identifier (NMI) to 0418 176 593. Your NMI is on your power bill.

If you’ve already registered for SMS notifications, you don’t need to register again.

Opt out

To stop receiving GoodGrid notifications, email us at with your mobile number and NMI.

We’ll remove you from the distribution list within 5 business days.