Who can register?
Anyone who relies on the following equipment can register as a life support customer:
- oxygen concentrator
- intermittent peritoneal dialysis machine
- kidney dialysis machine
- chronic positive airways pressure respirator
- Crigler-Najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment
- ventilator for life support
- external heart pumps
- respirators (iron lung)
- suction pumps (respiratory or gastric)
- feeding pumps (kangaroo pump or total parenteral nutrition)
- insulin pumps
- airbed vibrator
- hot water
- nebulizer, humidifiers or vaporizers
- apnoea monitors
- medically required heating and air conditioning
- medically required refrigeration
- powered wheelchair
- any other equipment that a registered medical practitioner certifies as required for your health.
This list is set out in Schedule 7 of the Energy Retail Code of Practice.