Working near powerlines 

Working with or around electricity, particularly high voltage electricity, can be dangerous. Here’s what you need to know when working near lines.

No Go Zones

No Go Zones (NGZ) are the safe clearance of overhead and underground electricity assets.

Before You Dig Australia logo

Before you start any digging or excavation work, visit the Before You Dig Australia website or call 1100.

Distribution lines

Only authorised people can work on or near our assets. You must have a Permit to Work or written advice before starting any work. This will be issued in line with the following indicative process and timeframes. 

Extec Services manage the NGZ permits on our behalf. You can contact them by email at or phone (03) 5941 7333

Distribution - typical response times

Process Approximate timeframe
Site visit 5 business days
Permit assessment for: Low Voltage (LV) with no switching
High Voltage (HV) for suppression
Any works requiring supply interruption
Can be issued at site visit
Minimum 10 business days
Minimum 20 business days
Typical situations such as supply shutdowns/isolations Up to 5 weeks, requires 18 business days for Network Operations
Protective warning methods such as fitting of tiger tails or insulating mats Up to 5 weeks for the management and completion of requests
Visual warning protections, including No Go Zone flagging, warning signs Up to 5 weeks for the management and completion of requests

Transmission lines (towers)

Before working in NGZ around our transmission assets, you'll need approval from our Line Assets Easements Group. They can also help you get written authorisation, which may include a Permit to Work. You can contact them by email at or phone 1300 360 795 (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm).

For more information about working near powerlines, visit Energy Safe Australia.

No Go Zone work costs

There are costs involved with work conducted in NGZ around distribution assets. These costs help cover hazard warning and safety services.

All costs are subject to variation and depend on case-by-case work requirements.

These costs don't include extra services, for example traffic management services, Council or VicRoads permits.

Electrical Shutdowns, Isolations, Safety Observer

Service type Minimum charge
Supply shutdown of Network (covers) $5000
Isolation of services $3000
Hold electrical power poles $6000
Safety observer $1500

Visual warning methods such as tiger tails and flagging

Service type Minimum charge
Installation of tiger tails (covers) $2500
Installation of flagging $4000
