Transmission ring-fencing compliance

The Australian Energy Regulator’s Transmission Ring-fencing Guideline supports the development of competitive markets. It aims to prevent cross-subsidisation and discriminatory behaviour by electricity transmission businesses with their related contestable businesses.

On 1 March 2023, version 4 of the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Transmission Ring-fencing Guideline (Guideline) came into effect. Read the Guideline on the AER’s website.

The Guideline applies to all electricity transmission network businesses, referred to as Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSPs), and oversees the extent to which TNSPs can provide contestable services.

The objective of ring-fencing is to promote the development of competitive markets. The Guideline aims to prevent cross-subsidisation and discriminatory behaviour by TNSPs with their related contestable businesses.

The following documents outline how we’re complying with the Guideline.

Note: As at 31 December 2024:

  • There are no AusNet-requested waivers currently in effect.
  • The information sharing register contains details of information shared to date under the information sharing protocol.

Register Details
Waiver Register Identifies waivers granted to AusNet Transmission Group Pty Ltd by the AER under clause 5 of the Guideline.

Details of waivers can be found on the AER’s ring-fencing waivers webpage
Information Sharing Protocol Outlines the protocol for what information will be shared, the terms on which it will be shared, and how to request information.
Information Sharing Register Identifies the legal entities that have requested information and a description of any information shared.