Transmission network

We own and maintain the transmission towers and lines that supply electricity across Victoria.

Two transmission towers spanning across a field

About our electricity transmission network

We own and operate the transmission network in Victoria that supplies electricity to 6.6 million Victorians. We also help connect power to NSW, South Australia and Tasmania.

Our transmission lines carry electricity at high voltages of 220,000 volts (220kV) up to 500,000 volts (500kV), from where it’s generated (power stations and renewable energy sources) to areas where large amounts of electricity are used.

The voltage is then reduced at terminal stations before being supplied to homes and businesses by local distribution companies — AusNet, Citipower, Powercor, United Energy and Jemena.

Our transmission network spans over 6,600 kilometres of transmission lines supported by steel towers across public and private land.

Where our transmission lines cross privately owned land, they are generally built on easements. Easements provide rights and responsibilities for both landholders and AusNet.

We also have obligations to access land to clear, maintain and reduce vegetation within certain clearances around transmission lines under electricity safety legislation.

We work with thousands of landholders across Victoria, who play an important role in helping us safely and reliably operate the transmission network.




If you own, or are considering purchasing land with a transmission easement, please read our information about:

Important Information

The information on this page is general in nature and subject to the Terms of use.

Without limiting the Terms of Use:

a) References to permitted or restricted activities are not endorsements or assurances as to the safety or suitability of such activities in your particular circumstances.

You should always consider all relevant factors before engaging in an activity in the vicinity of electricity transmission lines or towers including, among other things, weather, ground conditions and other requirements for the safe operation of applicable plant, equipment, machinery, tools, vehicles or similar.

b) It is important that you regularly assess the conditions on your land in the vicinity of electricity transmission towers, poles, lines or wires.

For example, clearances can be impacted by changes to ground levels overtime (such as dam walls) and permanent or semi-permanent structures or objects, such as stockpiles, fences, buildings, waste, garbage, scrap or wreckages may also impact clearances or otherwise create new hazards or obstacles.

c) The specific terms of an easement or of an access or other relevant licence or agreement may vary to the general descriptions on this page.