We’ve been engaged by Vopak, a global leader of energy infrastructure, to build the underground transmission infrastructure required for the Victoria Energy Terminal.
The Victoria Energy Terminal is a proposed floating import terminal in Port Phillip Bay, 19 kilometres offshore from Avalon. It would process liquefied natural gas and connect it using an underwater pipeline to feed into the existing supply onshore.
For more information, visit Vopak’s website.
Our involvement in delivering the Victoria Energy Terminal
We are working with Vopak to plan and build the transmission infrastructure required to connect the Victoria Energy Terminal to our existing transmission network.
We will deliver a new:
- 220kV terminal station that will connect into our existing Geelong to Keilor transmission line
- 220kV substation at Avalon
- underground cable from the proposed terminal station to a new substation in Avalon.
Where is the transmission route located?
We’re exploring the feasibility of two underground route options, which will connect transmission cables from a new proposed terminal station to a proposed new substation at Avalon. Both route options are within the road reserves.
Route option 1: underground along Beach Road, then heading north under Old Melbourne Road and west under Peak School Road.
Route option 2: underground along Beach Road, then heading south under Old Melbourne Road then west under McIntyre Road and Windermere Road.
For more information about how we’re determining the route, download Underground transmission cable connection for Victoria Energy Terminal (PDF, 1.49MB).
Planning approvals
Vopak’s Victoria Energy Terminal and our associated transmission infrastructure connection will be subject to an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process.
Contact information:
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the project, please use the contact details below.
- Vopak phone: 1800 1VOPAK (1800 186 725)
- Vopak email: info@vopakvicenergy.com.au
- AusNet phone: 0491 801 932
- AusNet email: DFN_majorprojects@ausnetservices.com.au