Goorambat East Solar Farm

Location: Goorambat, VIC
Traditional Country: Yorta Yorta
Timeframe: Construction began in November 2024. Estimated completion by December 2025.

Multiple large paddocks containing rows of solar panels


We've been engaged by ENGIE to build the transmission infrastructure required for the Goorambat East Solar Farm approximately 500 metres south of Goorambat, Victoria.

Our construction contractor, Elecnor, will build the facility and work as Principal Contractors on site, complying with all planning permit requirements wherever applicable. 

For more information, visit ENGIE’s website.

What does this project involve?

We will build the transmission infrastructure required to connect the Goorambat East Solar Farm. This includes 100 metres of new transmission line connecting to a new 220kV terminal station that will be built to accommodate the solar farm and future connections. This infrastructure will also connect into our Shepparton-Dederang 220kV line.

This project is currently under construction. Energisation of the terminal station is planned for Q3 2025.

What this means for you

We're committed to minimising construction impacts on our customers and communities. Advance notice and regular updates will be provided to landowners if works will impact their property, and we’ll try to reduce interruptions wherever possible.

There may be some traffic impacts during construction. A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be developed with the Benalla Rural City Council to include road safety measures for public and construction crew safety. Once construction is complete, we will restore the project area close to its original condition.

A large group of people standing outside in a dirt field

More information and contact

We’ll continue to post updates on this page as the project progresses. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project, please contact ENGIE by: