Round two Energy Resilience Community Fund grants are now closed.

Energy Resilience Community Fund

Small changes, big impacts.

We are committed to connecting communities with reliable, affordable and sustainable energy, and delivering long-term benefits that leave a positive legacy in the communities we serve.

A view of a town dense with trees


As climate change brings increasingly severe, frequent and unpredictable weather events, the risk of prolonged power outages also increases. The Energy Resilience Community Fund (ERCF) provides grants to community and not-for-profit organisations, local councils and small businesses to help build and strengthen community energy resilience. This means communities will be less impacted by and recover faster from extreme weather events and other electricity reliability challenges.

Building community energy resilience plays an important role in a community’s overall resilience. 

The ERCF was developed using a community-informed approach, through conversations and collaboration with councils, local members, community organisations, peak bodies and community members.

Funded projects must be located within our electricity distribution area, and clearly demonstrate how the project will improve or increase community energy resilience.

Grant recipients announced

To see our round one recipients for Major Grants, Energy Resilience Grants and Energy Education and Literacy Grants, visit ERCF grant recipients. Here you will find some great examples of the types of organisations and projects we fund.

Our guiding principles

Energy resilience

We are committed to building community energy resilience solutions and education that leaves a positive legacy in the communities we serve.

Supporting customers

We support customers experiencing vulnerability with access to resources and information that help build their energy resilience in a way that works for them.

Community partnership

We partner with communities to identify priority projects that address the greatest needs for the greatest impact.

Community engagement

We actively listen to communities to proactively respond to issues and incorporate feedback.

Who can apply?

  • A single organisation or a collaborative project submitted on behalf of multiple organisations.
  • Local councils within our electricity distribution area. There are 27 local government areas (LGAs) in our network.
  • Community and not-for-profit organisations.
  • Social enterprises.
  • Small businesses and sole traders providing an essential service and/or acting as a resilience centre or hub for their local community during a severe weather event or prolonged power outage. *Sole traders must have a valid ABN and an annual turnover of $10m or less. 


  • Projects must be located or delivered within our electricity distribution area. To check if your project falls within our network, enter your project’s address on the Find your energy distributor website
  • Applications must clearly demonstrate how your project will improve or increase community energy resilience communities.
  • Applications must clearly explain how the project will be delivered within the specified timeframe and budget.
  • Major Grants and Energy Resilience Grants applications must be submitted with quotes and/or a detailed breakdown of costs and the name/s of any potential suppliers.
  • Only one grant per organisation per category will be awarded.
  • All applicants must have a valid ABN and an Australian bank account linked to that ABN.
  • Business applicants must have a valid ABN and an annual turnover of $10 million or less.
  • Applications from sole traders will be accepted if they have a valid ABN and can clearly show their ability to deliver the project.
  • Tax endorsements such as Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR) or Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status are not required.
  • Successful applicants must sign a funding agreement with us. 
  • If you’re unsure whether you are eligible, call our ERCF manager Kim Sullivan on 0499 781 580 or email before submitting an application.

What we won’t fund

  • Residential energy upgrades for individuals or households.
  • Insulation or high-efficiency window glazing.
  • Heating or cooling systems.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Projects that duplicate an existing program or service.
  • Ongoing or recurring funding.
  • Other categories, at our discretion.

Our grant programs

Round three will open in May, 2025.

  • Energy Resilience Grants: $5-50k per grant
  • Energy Education and Literacy Grants: $5-25k per grant

Funding is for physical and mobile energy resilience assets and education, awareness and literacy programs to help build and strengthen community energy resilience, and help communities prepare for and recover after a severe weather event or outage. 

For more information or to discuss your project or application, please call our ERCF manager Kim Sullivan on 0499 781 580, or email

Grant guidelines and assessment process

All applications must be submitted through our ERCF grants portal before the closing dates below:

  • Energy Education and Literacy Grants: Round three TBA
  • Energy Resilience Grants: Round three TBA

If you would like to discuss the eligibility of your project or need clarification on the application process, please contact the ERCF manager Kim Sullivan on 0499 781 580 or email at before submitting your application.

ERCF fact sheet

A row of three solar panels on a roof

Need help?

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact ERCF manager Kim Sullivan: