Compensation and service standards

Learn about guaranteed services levels, our commitment to you and compensation you might be eligible for.

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Guaranteed service levels (GSLs)

The Essential Services Commission’s (ESC) Electricity Distribution Code of Practice outlines the minimum service levels we must provide to our customers.

These minimum service levels cover:

  • appointments that we make with you to inspect and service our network
  • failure to connect new supply of electricity
  • supply restoration
  • low energy supply reliability.

If we can’t meet these commitments, you may be eligible for a GSL payment, which will be automatically credited to your quarterly electricity bill.

Note: You can find details of the GSL scheme dates, eligibility criteria, payment amounts and the process for determining excluded events in the Electricity Distribution Code of Practice (Code of Practice).

Our customer charter outlines our commitment to you. It also explains your rights and responsibilities under the Code of Practice.

Types of GSL payments

We make GSL payments for many reasons, including how often you’re without power and how long it takes us to get your power back on.

Supply restoration payments

These payments are based on the total time you were without power during a financial year (July to June).

Current scheme - effective from 1 July 2021
If you experience unplanned, sustained outages of We will pay
More than 18 hours per year $130
More than 30 hours per year $190
More than 60 hours per year $380

This is an annual scheme that is paid quarterly – see the GSL payment cycle.

Low reliability payments

These payments are based on how many times in a financial year (July to June) your power was interrupted for more than three minutes.

Current scheme - effective from 1 July 2021
If your power was interrupted for more than three minutes We will pay
More than 8 times a year $130
More than 12 times a year $190
More than 20 times a year $380

This is an annual scheme that is paid quarterly – see the GSL payment cycle.

Momentary outage payments

These payments are based on how many times in a financial year (July to June) your power was interrupted for less than or equal to three minutes.

Current scheme - effective from 1 July 2021
If your power was interrupted for less than or equal to three minutes. We will pay
More than 24 times a year $40
More than 36 times a year $50

This is an annual scheme that is paid quarterly – see the GSL payment cycle.

GSL payment cycle

We calculate GSL payment eligibility each quarter based on your accumulated unplanned outages for the current financial year (July to June). If you are eligible for a GSL payment for a quarter, we will make the payment to your electricity retailer within 60 business days of the end of that quarter. It will appear as a credit on your power bill.

We reassess your accumulated unplanned outages each quarter and will make further payments if they go over a higher threshold.

Other GSL payments

If We will pay
Major event day (MED) A major event, such as extreme weather or a storm, disrupts your power for more than 12 hours.
Note: The MED payment was introduced from 1 July 2021. We will make the payment to your retailer within 60 business days of a major event.
Appointments We're more than 15 minutes late to an appointment with you.  $35
Connecting your supply We didn't connect you to the network when we said we would.  $80 per day (up to $400)
Streetlight repairs You told us about a faulty streetlight, and we didn't repair it within two business days.
Note: The streetlight must be adjacent to your property or business, be owned by us and you must be the first person to report it to us.

Note:  We make these GSL payments to your electricity retailer within two retail billing cycles of the day the GSL event occurred. It will appear as a credit on your power bill.