Our commitment to customers

Learn about our commitment to our customers, and what we are doing to meet our customers needs.

Learn about the commitments we have made to our customers, and what we are doing to meet our customer’s needs.

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to continuously improving our understanding of their needs and delivering them. We aim to create a seamless customer experience, build trust and do what’s right for the local communities we serve. 

We involve customers in our future planning processes and in the delivery of new initiatives so that we can improve customer experiences. As part of our 2021-26 Electricity Distribution Price Review, we engaged a Customer Forum to represent our customers’ interests and develop a set of customer experience commitments.

The six commitments are:

  • Commitment 1: Building our understanding of customers’ needs and expectations
  • Commitment 2: Establishing clearer accountability for customers
  • Commitment 3: Aligning our incentives with customer outcomes
  • Commitment 4: Fixing customer pain points and improving the Customer Experience
  • Commitment 5: Collaborating with the community and taking care of customers in vulnerable circumstances
  • Commitment 6: Making our organisation easier to deal with.

Since 2020, we provide an annual report on how we’ve delivered on these commitments and the improvements we have made for our customers.

The Energy Charter

In 2023, we became a Full Signatory to the Energy Charter. As a Full Signatory, we are required to publicly release an annual Energy Charter Disclosure report (Disclosure), on our performance against the Energy Charter’s five principles. There is a significant overlap between the Disclosure and our Committed to Customers report.

To make our performance reporting clearer and reduce duplication, we are publishing our yearly Committed to Customers report as an addendum to our 2023/2024 Energy Charter Disclosure. 

Find out more:

For more information on customer reporting, visit our Community Hub.